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Intermittent Fasting Program

18/6 Method for Best Results

Experience numerous benefits of 18/6 intermittent fasting with TheLifeCo Intermittent Fasting program. Along with the health benefits, you will be equipped with new information that will increase your quality of life and add value to your health.

Therapeutic Fasting
Healthy Weight Loss
Stronger Immunity
Soothing Environment
Ultimate Detoxification
Healing & Rejuvenation
TheLifeCo Wellbeing

Improve Your Health and Lifestyle with Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting plan has become a popular way to control weight and boost overall health for almost anyone. It is a proven method that involves eating and fasting periods to lose weight and decrease hunger. Intermittent Fasting Program is for those who want to leave their daily dietary routine and lose weight in a healthy, fun, and lasting way.

You adjust your regular daily eating routine to an eating window without stopping calorie intake during the intermittent fasting program. Typical fasting time ranges from 14 to 18 hours. Fasting along with ideal daily calorie intake will help your body adjust from burning carbs to burning fat.

Lose Weight without Feeling Hungry

We let your hunger go by changing your eating pattern and reducing your calorie intake throughout the day during intermittent fasting.

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What Makes TheLifeCo Intermittent Fasting Program Different?

We apply the 18/6 method at TheLifeCo. Our 18/6 intermittent fasting program involves 18 hours of fasting and 6 hours of eating. The start of this method can look like skipping the typical breakfast time, but its windows can change based on the choice.

Once your body has successfully shifted into fat loss mode, it will be easier for you to fast for as much as 18 hours and still feel satisfied. Your sugar craving will slowly lessen and managing your weight will be easier. Additionally, you will have balanced blood pressure levels, prevent eating disorders and improve many health conditions.

Along with 18/6 method, the intermittent fasting program includes physical and mental activities, effective and natural therapies, workshops and lectures and offers you a holistic health experience.

We are waiting for you

TheLifeCo Wellbeing Centers

We provide the optimum wellness retreat experience in 3 centers. Each center is designed to meet your specific requirements to create a new version of yourself.

Learn More About Our Program

You can make an inquiry by filling the reservation form. Once you fill the form our team will get in touch with you to inform you about our programs.

Learn More About Our Program

You can make an inquiry by filling the reservation form. Once you fill the form our team will get in touch with you to inform you about our programs.

Program Prices

The following daily rates are for standard rooms.




Long Term Benefits of the Intermittent Fasting

Throughout history, fasting has been a commonplace practice and has been a spiritual tradition across many religions. Today modern science has proven that intermittent fasting plan fields many potential short term and long term benefits:

Accelerates Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting plan will help your body adjust from burning carbs to burning fat by draining your body & glucose reserves. Skipping breakfast and shortening eating periods are two main factors that accelerate weight loss.

Normalises Ghrelin Levels

Eating and not eating follow each other in the right balance during intermittent fasting program to help your body adjust to burning fat. Fasting days also help normalize ghrelin levels, also known as the “hunger hormone”.

Increases Mitochondria Functionality

The most recent studies show that following an intermittent fasting diet for just 2 days per week significantly affects the functionality of mitochondria networks, keeping them in a ‘youthful’ state. This allows cells to age over a longer period healthily.

Increases The Rate Of HGH Production

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has an essential role in health, fitness, and slowing down aging. Fasting triggers the secretion of HGH, and during the intermittent fasting program, the rate of HGH production increases.

Lowers Triglyceride Levels

High triglyceride levels in your blood can increase the risk of heart disease. Losing weight with intermittent fasting plan can help to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the blood and eliminate various risk factors.

Fights Against Free Radical Damage

As a process of aging, free radicals start to cause oxidation and inflammation increases. Intermittent fasting helps to reduce inflammation, fight free radical damage and prevent Alzheimer’s.

Strengthens Immune System

Our immune system can be weakened by many factors such as poor eating habits, lack of good nutrition and urban pollution. This program increases the immune system's functionality, hence providing more cells for the body to resist negative outside forces.

Heals the Body with Autophagy

Intermittent fasting provides an effective purification and regeneration in the body by starting the natural autophagy process in which the body destroys old, damaged and dead cells.

Woman at Wellness Retreat

Included Services

Daily Schedule

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Daily schedule is subject to change depending on the center and season.

Learn More About Our Program

You can make an inquiry by filling the reservation form. Once you fill the form our team will get in touch with you to inform you about our programs.