Its time to meet your higher self!
Join us at daily meditations and holistic healing therapies such as; Pendulum, Reiki and Cords Cutting, holistic healing message therpies and meditations such as; Violet Flame, Ho’oponopone. You’ll also have chance to join our daily group workshops which will be around; Neuroplasticity (brains ability to change & adapt), Heart-Brain connection (science of emotion & intuition), Intuition, Self-Love.
Therapy Sessions
– Reiki Therapy (60min/130€)
– Pendulum Therapy (60min/130€)
– Holistic Healing Massage (60min/130€)
– Cords Cutting Therapy (60min/130€)
Workshop Sessions
– Neuroplasticity (brains ability to change & adapt) – (45-60min / free group session)
– Heart-Brain connection (science of emotion & intuition) – (45-60min / free group session)
– Intuition & Self-Love – (45-60min / free group session)
Meditation Sessions
– Violet Flame Meditation (35min / free group session)
– Ho’oponopono Meditation (35min / free group session)
Our Guest Relationship Officers will be in touch with you shortly to provide all the details about the event you are interested in applying for.