Appetite and hunger often get mixed up, let’s start by defining them correctly. While ‘hunger’ refers to our body’s actual need for nutrients and energy, ‘appetite’ simply refers to psychological cravings for food. If we don’t keep our appetite in check, we’re very likely to eat more than our body needs and can handle, which is called -guess what- OVEREATING! Unfortunately overeating could lead to a range of diseases both in the short and long terms. Major causes of overeating are emotional eating, food choices, sleep patterns, and dehydration.
As much as you might relate to these don’t worry, we got you with our Overeating Challenge! Throughout next week we’ll help you overcome your overeating behavior, manage your appetite, share healthy and filling recipes, and teach you to distinguish appetite from actual hunger!

Once you sign up, in your email you’ll get an informative PDF document and a 10% discount code at TheLifeCo Shop to support you throughout this challenge. The challenge guide includes some useful information about overeating and appetite management. Oh also, we bet you’ll love this, at the end of the document we shared some filling and healthy recipes that would help a lot!

Challenge for Wannawell

Enroll now to get your Overeating PDF
and 10% TheLifeCo Shop Discount

What are the benefits of Overeating Challenge?

Manage Your Weight

 Controlling what and how you eat would make it easier to manage your weight, and help prevent diseases such as type 1 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Take Charge

Take charge of your health by controlling what you eat. We'll show you how to better manage your appetite and fuel your body with food as it needs. Food is your fuel, don't let it become your weakness!

Feel & Look Healthier

Who wouldn't like better digestion, better circulation, and better endurance? All those are even closer to you as you'll move past overeating and turn to healthier food alternatives.

Challenge for Wannawell

What is wannawell app?

Hey, wannaweller, wannawell app is coming soon to become your wellbeing partner! We know that optimal health isn’t all physical, mental, or social; but instead achieved through improving all those together. Soon, we’ll heal your mind, body, and spirit with healthy challenges and with a whole universe of wellness content. We’re thrilled to have you start your wellness journey with us, stay in touch!

Challenge for Wannawell

Enroll Now for wannawell Overeating Challenge!