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Why Should You Cleanse and Detoxify Your Body?

Everything begins with a feeling of discomfort. We are not sick, but we do not feel well and happy. Why? Because our modern, technological and comfortable city life makes us feel this way.

The air we breathe is polluted.

We do not drink enough good quality water.

Foods we eat are grown with antibiotics and hormones; they are genetically altered and filled with additives in the packaging. Eating as we do causes our cells to constantly crave more as they struggle to get the nutrients they need.

Electromagnetic waves are damaging our bioenergy balance.

The chemicals used in medicines cannot be eliminated completely from the body.

Personal care products – shampoo, hair cream, toothpaste, shaving cream, perfumes, deodorants, cosmetics, etc. contain carcinogenic components such as chemicals and parabens & methylparabens, of which, 60 per cent mixes in our bloodstreams through the skin our biggest organ.

Stress, inactivity, detergents, cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, tea all together fill our body with toxins and now the natural detoxification mechanisms of the body are not inadequate enough to do the job.

As a result of this accumulation of toxins, the body’s balance deteriorates; the accumulation of bad choices we make in our daily lives cause illnesses which we refer to as lifestyle diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, weakness, reluctance, low energy, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, obesity, depression and so on.

The fact that everyone has a reason to exist and we are here to live the best life we can with the ultimate goal of being healthy and happy.

In this day and age, people have lost their way and they are searching to find it again. Boredom is one of the most important indicators that show us that something is going wrong! By taking it very seriously, we need to pursue and understand why we feel this way and find a way to heal ourselves.

Even if we have only one day to live, our aim is to LIVE it in an energetic, healthy, vigorous, alive, vibrant, peaceful and happy manner.

Everything begins with a reason and a decision. Just like a business project, we have to chart an action plan that we need to put into practice. “If you are failing to plan, you are planning to fail”.

Making a decision, you must create a goal and a schedule for yourself. After you create your goal, dividing it into small steps will make your goal more achievable and more easily accomplished.

The healing plan is needed for women because of weight gain in general, however for men it mostly starts with fear (fear of disease and death); high cholesterol levels, blood pressure, heart attack, etc.

Let’s see what a healing plan consists of;

This is the fastest and most effective way to get rid of the toxins that are the return of this modern life and the vicious unhealthy cycle we are in.

With a liquid fast program the goal is to stop the digestion so that the body can use the energy and time normally used for digestion to repair itself.

The blood is cleansed; and that helps in the maintenance and repair of other organs, cells and tissues.

Energy and joy for life comes back.

You wake up much easier and earlier in the morning.

The body becomes more flexible.

Organs and senses work better.

Weight loss. – Women may lose between 3-5 kg where men may lose between 4-8 kg during a 7-day program according to age, gender, height, weight, genetic structure, metabolism and current health status.

The skin shines and is renewed.

Fertility increases.

Aging slows down.

Digestion gets easier.

Cholesterol levels are reduced.

Awareness, perception and sensitivity increases.

The mind becomes clearer.

Immunity strengthens.

Detox is a type of treatment that you need to repeat from time to time, (2 times a year is recommended) much like a seasonal house cleaning or taking your car in for periodic maintenance. You may also do shorter daily, weekly, monthly detoxes. Detoxes for a few days will usually consist of less fruit juices, but more vegetable juices (Swiss chard, spinach, arugula, cucumber, celery and lemon) that will also support your health and work on imbalances. (watch the film, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross).


After this cleansing, the next step is nutrition, which holds the most important part in recovery. Eating is the most common thing that we do in our daily lives. There are many different approaches about this subject that create much confusion.

We must learn to have a balanced diet to be healthy. If you continue with your old habits, you will  only end up with the same bad results! Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

This is like learning a new language. It falls into place over time.


We must eat food not only because of social, taste and emotional reasons, but we must eat with the realization that it is fuel for the body. Just as we choose the right oil and gas for our car we are aware if we choose the wrong type it will let us down, likewise, our body does the same.

We should pay attention to what we eat, opting for organic, natural, seasonal, no- processed, non GMO, additives free as much as possible.

Our basic nutrition must be based primarily on vegetables, green leafy vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts, spices, herbs, herbal teas and fish instead of meat. Because of the high percentage of chlorophyll content, vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables (Swiss chard, spinach, arugula, celery, parsley, etc.), have a very important and central role in terms of increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, cleansing and stabilizing blood sugar. They can be consumed raw in salads or in juices.

A raw vegan diet might sound unpleasant and new, but when we cook our food, we are actually killing it. The more raw and vibrant foods we consume the more vibrant our own energy will be.

Our body needs a certain amount from all of the food groups. There are 6 criteria’s that are important:

Quality; The nutritional value of what you eat.
Frequency; Bio circadian rhythm of your body…how many time you eat during the day.
Quantity; how much you eat.
Timing; what time of the day you eat.
Food combination; which food combinations you consume.
Health Condition; your current health status.

During the day, we should ideally drink water 5% of our body weight. It has both toxin dissolving effects and helps to shed fat, which has a weight loss effect.

We must avoid consuming a combination of carbohydrates with proteins to ease digestion and for easier weight loss.

We should have our dinner early (around 6.00-7.00 pm) and light to ease the digestive system.

Olive oil and Omega oil should be consumed uncooked, because when they are cooked, their molecular structure changes and becomes carcinogenic. Coconut oil can be used for cooking.

As meat and dairy products come from animals raised with antibiotics and growth hormones, we should be careful when consuming such products. We should choose organic ones and we should not consume them too often. Alternative solutions are: Saltwater fish instead of meat, legumes for protein support, goat milk or almond milk instead of dairy milk. (If you soak almonds in clean water overnight, blend them with 3 glasses of clean water and then strain, you will have ambrosia milk that will last for up to 3 days… You must try).

We can fix our carbohydrate needs primarily with brown rice, brown bread, wild rice and quinoa.

Use Himalayan Salt (with 84 raw natural minerals) instead of regular table salt and Agave (low glycemic index) for a sugar substitute.

When you get hungry during the rush of everyday life, you can consume healthy snacks such as raw and unsalted almond/walnut/hazelnut, preferably soaked overnight, mixed with fresh or dried fruits. You can prepare little plastic bags to carry in your purse, in your car and at your office all day long.

We need to learn to eat according to our hunger-satiation signals. This is explained with the mindful eating concept. In fact, this is our body’s forgotten natural mechanism.

We have “controlled” environments (home, office, car) and “uncontrolled” ones (travel, restaurants, hotels etc.) in our lives we can apply all of these things to a degree. While it will be a good solution not to keep unhealthy things at home or in the office,, carrying some healthy snacks  is a good idea when you go out. If you want to accomplish your health goals you’ll find a way, if you don’t you will find excuses!

We are all human. Of course, we can sometimes indulge ourselves. However, some precautions can be taken to minimize the damage.

The amount of binges may be limited.

It can be removed from the body with a liquid fast for the next meal or during the next day.

Generally, if these types of binges do not overrun 25% of our entire diet, 75% healthy nutrition will tolerate them.

One day a week (Sunday?) can be declared a binge day.

These are the principles that must be applied continuously throughout one’s life. This is not a weight loss diet but rules essential to be healthy, energetic and balanced. As soon as you say, “I reached my target, I can stop now”, old diseases will come back together with more force.

It is something that many people are too lazy to do or simply do not find the time. However, our body is designed to move. As modern life immobilises us, we need to do something extra. There are so many benefits of exercise such as;

Getting rid of stress, which is the result of modern life, and the negative energy.
Toning the body, increasing energy levels and overall becoming more fit
Speeding up your metabolism to burn fat faster

The magic here is to do something that you love. Dancing, jumping rope, swimming, walking and jogging etc. If you love something continue to do it.

Your practice should consist of 3 different combinations of exercise; flexibility, cardio and weight training.

Cardio interval workouts are highly recommended when it comes to exercise. Everyone complains about a lack of time. However, for intervals, you only need 21 minutes. According to a study, within 21 minutes, if you do this at a quick pace as if a lion is chasing you, by doing 8 reps of 30 seconds each, you can lose 3 times more weight! The best tool for doing this is elliptical exercise.

Yoga is the number 1 exercise to gain flexibility. The more flexible your body becomes, the more flexible your mind will be.

For those who are a bit lazy, you can do the Tibetan movements. These simple acts, which will take you only 5-10 minutes every day, help keep you young. (Also see book, Tibetan Fountain of Youth)

Everything begins in the mind. The more we are aware of what we do, being smarter and more honest with ourselves, we would have far fewer problems.

First, we should learn to be grateful for what we have. We always want something, but we do not really know how to enjoy what we have. What you do not use is taken from you because it does not exist unless you use it.

Learn as much as possible about yourself and find the reason for your existence. Consider a ship without a route and a target, where will it go? Wind is of no help for those who do not know the direction they want to go! Search for the meaning of your name. Acknowledge what you are doing. If you are just going to work every day, what are you doing for humanity? What do you add to this world?

If you have a problem, think about the solution, not the problem.

We are responsible for whatever happens to us somehow – whether or not we realize it, consciously or unconsciously. When we accept this responsibility, 50% of the problem is already solved.

There are many techniques to ensure and manage the balance between emotions and the mind. Transformational breathing is one of the best techniques for this, you should try it.

Probiotics are the good bacteria which Ensure more powerful intestinal flora and also strengthens our immune system, prevents allergies and stops constipation, gas and bloating. Having a healthy gut can even make you happier as it produces 80-90% of the endorphin and serotonin hormones.

It is our digestion that creates the utmost aging in the body. The shorter and easier way the body handles digestion, the more fit, energetic and younger it will become. Digestive Enzymes, which make digestion easier and faster also helps to solve problems such as gas and bloating.

Spirulina is the most important source of vegetable protein and vitamin B12. As it balances the blood sugar and indirectly helps weight- loss. It is also a great source of iron, which prevents fatigue.

Omega 3-6-9 oils (flaxseed, coconut, evening primrose oil, sunflower seed, etc.) are also indispensable for the body. They are very important for hair, skin, nails, and bone health; in terms of prevention of Alzheimer’s, they improve memory; they reduce premenstrual syndrome and reduce depression.

Vitamin C strengthens your immune system and is the most effective anti-oxidant especially in IV form and high dosages.

Ozone therapy allows your cells to regenerate, purifies the blood, increases energy, reduces wrinkles, upgrades the quality of sleep, etc.

Oxygen is the enemy of cancer cells.

Massage not only gives pleasure, it is one of the best methods for cleaning the lymphatic system and it allows the body to tighten and strengthen as it relaxes.

Sauna & Steam allows the excretion of toxins, helps in weight loss and opens up the sinuses.

Tongue cleaner allows for the cleaning of toxins from the tongue.  The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system the cleaner it is the better.

Fibre dry skin brushing or washing with a fibre cloth to have tight skin is a good option.

Grounding by standing on earth barefoot for 45 minutes brings the blood to its ideal levels and reduces inflammation and relieves the pain.

If you would like to deepen your knowledge of these healthy lifestyle programs and learn how to incorporate them in your life – The LifeCo embodies all these programs and serves as a healthy life partner.

Be well J

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