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To Remove Fine Lines, Sagging and Wrinkles, here’s More Reason to Give Facial Yoga a Shot

We are all aware of the multiple benefits of yoga for the body and the soul. Now, how about some yoga for the face? You heard that right!

Face yoga will do for your face what normal yoga does to your body: relax and tone the muscles of your face, which have become tight due to accumulation of stress over a period of time. Comprising a fixed set of exercises and poses, face yoga is directed at targeting the more stress-prone zones such as muscles around the jaws, the brows, the mouth, eyes and the forehead. Also hailed as a non-invasive alternate to Botox and surgery, in removing fine lines, sagging and wrinkles, here’s more reason to give facial yoga a shot.

1. Boosts collagen production: Facial exercises work all the layers of the skin. By working all these layers correctly, it increases blood circulation, allowing more nourishment to reach skin cells helping absorb more moisture. The muscle activity is also known to boost collagen production, known to be a crucial anti-aging factor.

Result: Smoother, supple and hydrated skin.

2. Effective Stress buster: It is widely know that stress ages you faster. Urban lives today are ridden with stress and tension. And you might actually be surprised at how much tension your face and neck can hold up. Facial yoga allows you to lighten up, so you can relax them every time you feel a sense of tightness.

3. Reduction in wrinkles: While some wrinkles come with age, there are some that are caused by crinkling of the muscles, like those around the mouth and eyes. With facial yoga, you can smoothen out the muscles in the most worked areas of the face. .

4. Chemical-free Living: The beauty shelves are full with anti-aging and anti-wrinkle creams and serums to injections, et all, for a youthful look. However, with facial yoga, you will need none of this. It is as natural as it can be.

It is recommended that you do the facial exercises for 20 minutes, six times a week. Initially, it may seem tedious, and it may take you a while to get the flow, but the results will be quick. Generally, you will start to see more of a long term improvement in your face and neck after just two weeks. And after 2-4 months, you will also notice you have less fine lines and less tension.

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