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How to Embrace Minimalism in Everyday Life

Okay, January is finally here and we are all busy working on our many New Year’s resolutions – so it’s the perfect time to get rid of things you don’t need and de-clutter your life with learning the principles of minimalism. Having a minimalist lifestyle means getting rid of unnecessary stuff which will, in turn, allow you to live a more meaningful life.

Just as a detoxing your body makes you feel good, increases your energy levels and improves your health, so can detoxing your home and applying some of the main points of minimalism is a great way to start.

Being bogged down with a house full of stuff that you don’t need can cause stress, by living a minimalist lifestyle you will definitely feel a lot better and you will also be doing your bit for the planet by generating less waste.

To help you with you on your journey to minimalism in everyday life here are some tips to get you started.  It might seem hard at first to part with things that have sat in your closet collecting dust for years but once you make start you will feel a sense of relief.

Your possessions are not an extension of you, just stuff that you have accumulated over your life. Often people pay too much attention to material items which can always be replaced. The saying “you can’t take things with you when you die so the most important things in life are love, experiences and our memories” is so true!

A lot of the time we become obsessed and attached to material items such as cars, properties, jewelry, gadgets, and clothes or if we don’t have these items we become obsessed with buying them so it is a vicious and never-ending circle.

In an exception to general possessions, sentimental items such as photos and family videos can often be stored online.

When you start to realize and accept that everything you own can be replaced it will be easier for you to get rid of unnecessary things that you don’t need. The best way is to start small, choose one small space such as a kitchen or bathroom cupboard to get started with.

To help you decide on whether to keep something or not just ask yourself when the last time you used it was and what is the likelihood of you using it again. Once you get stuck in you will be surprised at just how many unnecessary items you own that take up so much space in your home.

Many of us buy stuff in autopilot mode out of habit as in the western world we are often conditioned by the media to think we need a lot more than we actually need and buying just becomes a habit – this is a very powerful habit that pushes us into mass consumption.

It is important to think about your buying habits and become aware of what you are buying and how often. Every time you are at the till making a purchase be mindful of it and really think about what you are buying and reflect on if it is something you actually need and will use.

In the long run spending, a bit extra on higher quality items that are likely to last you a long time is a better investment than buying cheaper low-quality items that will often need to be replaced in a short space of time.

Items that you use every day are worth investing a little more in such as a nice watch that you can enjoy every single day. The key to adapting to a minimalist lifestyle is downsizing in order to enjoy the things you do have to a greater extent.

Studies have shown that clutter can often make us feel overwhelmed, anxious and depressed and can be the primary cause of stress in our everyday lives. Start by clearing small spaces like the kitchen table or a drawer where we often accumulate lots of unwanted letters or magazines etc. Start small and extend this throughout your home and in no-time you will have a clutter-free home.

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