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Can Pressure on Top of Head Be a Hypertension Symptom?

Hypertension has many hereditary and environmental symptoms. One of the most common of these symptoms is a pressure on top of head. However, it can sometimes be challenging to understand whether the pain is due to hypertension since headache is a symptom of many diseases.  

The first question that comes to mind regarding the headache disorder associated with hypertension is how high blood pressure headache is felt. We provide information about how high blood pressure headaches are felt, how to reduce pressure on top of head and other symptoms of hypertension in this article based on the experience and knowledge of our doctors and experts.

What are the Warning Signs of Hypertension?

Even if an individual’s blood pressure values reach dangerously high levels, many cases of hypertension may not have a sign or symptom. However, when the values reach life-threatening values such as 180/110 mmHg, symptoms include headache, pressure on top of head, epistaxis or shortness of breath may be seen in individuals with hypertension.

Still, these signs and symptoms are not specific to hypertension. Hypertension is usually not detected until it reaches a severe or life-threatening stage.

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Symptoms of Hypertension Headaches

Many people do not experience high blood pressure and hypertension symptoms unless their blood pressure is dangerously high. High blood pressure headaches occur on both sides of the head and pressure on top of head. If you are suffering from head pain on top of your head (at the “hair-band” area), it can probably be a hypertension headache. And Hypertension headaches tend to pulsate and get worse with physical activity.

High blood pressure affects the blood-brain barrier and can cause headaches and pressure on top of head. In addition, high blood pressure causes pressure on top of the head and the brain is exposed to stress. Thus, it can cause blood to leak from blood vessels in the brain. This condition causes edema or swelling of the brain. Because the brain sits inside the skull and has no area to expand.

The swelling puts more pressure on the brain and causes headaches, dizziness, nausea, confusion, weakness, seizures, and blurred vision. If a person has treatment to lower his blood pressure, the symptoms usually resolve within an hour. Rebound headaches, as another tension-type headache, mainly occur daily or nearly every day, worsen in the morning.

Neck pain is a type of pain resulting from hypertension and is known as one of the tension headaches. If your neck is in pain, it can be telling you that the signaling system between your brain and the neck is not working correctly. Tenderness or sensitivity around your neck, forehead, scalp, or shoulder muscles are, some other symptoms you may feel if your headache is hypertension-related.

People with high blood pressure do not always have the same symptoms. Because of this, it is known as a silent killer. If a person has dangerously high blood pressure but no other symptoms, the condition is called hypertensive urgency. If they are experiencing additional symptoms, it is a hypertensive emergency.

If your blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg, it is normal. High blood pressure is a systolic pressure ranging from 120 to 129 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure below 80 mm Hg. High blood pressure worsens over time unless steps are taken to control blood pressure.

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Other Types of Headache Disorders (Other Than Hypertension)

  • Cluster Headaches
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Allergy or Sinus Headaches
  • Hormone Headaches
  • Caffeine Headaches
  • Exertion headaches
  • Post Traumatic Headaches
  • Occipital Neuralgia

*Some of the above can be treated with pain relievers to remove the headache pain.

Which Pressure Point Relieves a Headache?

Acupuncture is known to be a pain reliever. Pressure on top of head and headache can be relieved massage to some particular points like head pressure in the body. Specifically, the signs and symptoms of hypertension headache can be alleviated in this way.

These points are between the two eyebrows and the points in the middle of the two eyes. Pressure factor LI-four additionally referred to as Hegu, is positioned among the bottom of your thumb and index finger. You can take the following steps to alleviate the symptoms of hypertension headache:

  • Place your right thumb in the area between your left thumb and left index finger.
  • Press and hold this area for five minutes. Then move your thumb in a circle by pressing it. Be firm, but don’t press so hard that it hurts.
  • Then repeat the opposite for your other hand.

You can do this many times a day or as often as you want to relieve pressure on top of head and your signs and symptoms of hypertension headache.

Pressure on top of head

If You Suspect High Blood Pressure & Pressure on Top of Head

Stage 1 hypertension is a systolic pressure ranging from 130 to 139 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure ranging from 80 to 89 mm Hg.

Stage 2 hypertension is a systolic pressure of 140 mm Hg or higher and a diastolic pressure of 90 mm Hg or higher.

According to these values, if you suspect high blood pressure, We would be honored to welcome you to our centers. You will learn and practice in the best way how to overcome hypertension and how to live without fear of it in the treatment program that we have prepared entirely personally.

If you have hypertension and want to take an essential step for your health, we strongly recommend that you meet our staff. Even if you do not choose us for your hypertension treatment after meeting, you will see that our centers are designed with the finest detail in mind and how experienced our team is on the subject.

Remember that an effective treatment for your hypertension will increase your living standards and help you be freer in daily life. Because unless hypertension is treated, it will affect many areas in your life, such as the food you will eat and the problems in your mind. To reduce the risk if hypertension, you can check Hypertension Treatment at TheLifeCo.

Learn about Hypertension Treatment/Prevention programs at TheLifeCo

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