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Alpha Stim Therapy

Alpha-Stim® is an effective therapy to treat problems such us anxiety, depression, insomnia and acute, chronic, and postoperative pain.

Alpha Stim Therapy

What is alpha stim therapy?
The Alpha-Stim electrotherapy device is proven effective and safe for pain management and treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and depression. 

How is alpha stim therapy applied?
The application of direct electrical treatment to the brain, along with the treatment protocols for pain also make the difference that no other device has been able to emulate. The Alpha-Stim and AID use ear clips for 20 minutes to an hour, anywhere from daily to 3 times a week to treat anxiety, depression and insomnia.

What types of diseases can be treated with alpha stim therapy?
Alpha-Stim treats anxiety, depression and insomnia. The Alpha-Stim also treats acute, chronic, and postoperative pain. The primary distinctive feature in a medical device is the waveform, and Alpha-Stim has a uniquely effective waveform. The application of direct electrical treatment to the brain, along with the treatment protocols for pain also make the difference that no other device has been able to emulate. Further, Alpha-Stim technology has been shown to be far more cost-effective than prescription drugs.

Who can not benefit from alpha stim therapy?
Safe for use. In over 35 years of clinical studies involving 8,800 people, only minor side effects such as headaches and skin irritation at electrode sites have been reported by a tiny fraction of users.

Would it hurt me if I use Alpha-Stim longer than 20 minutes?
No the Alpha-Stim is safe so we recommend that you use it for as long as you are getting a benefit. See getting the most out of your Alpha-Stim for further help.

Can you use Alpha-Stim technology with magnet therapy?
No. Electrical and magnetic fields interfere with each other so magnets can alter the Alpha-Stim® waveform rendering it ineffective.

How long do the benefits last?
The effects are long-lasting and cumulative. Sixteen longitudinal studies showed long-term beneficial effects. However in some cases, depending on the problem being treated, Alpha-Stim technology may have to be used on a long-term or indefinite basis to manage the problem.